A Review of God Made Me Unique. By Joni and Friends
As believers in Chirst, we affirm that everyone is made in the image of God. We were intended to fully reflect the nature of God from the beginning of creation. We remind our children of this as they navigate the world of sibling and other childhood relationships. Or, in the case of Joni’s book, when others appear differently from us. Her book, God Made Me Unique, addresses this subject in three.ways.
First, she begins with devices and aids that are crucial for the daily lives of those with special needs. By doing this, she shows her readers that this equipment helps disabled people function as best as possible compared to those without needs. She cites fidget toys, wheel chairs, crutches, and noise-cancelling head phones for example. (As an aside, this is one of the key components of the Joni and Friends worldwide ministry. They provide physical aides to people who wouldn’t have them, especially those in developing nations. These include wheel chairs, ramps, walking aides, etc. We take this equipment for granted, but it is expensive and not necessarily available for all.) https://www.joniandfriends.org
“God made me unique, it was part of his plan.”
Second, she reminds her readers that God made each of us unique and that disabilities in themselves are unique. We are all created by God. Disabilities, hidden or visible, make us “one-of-a-kind, unique.” Joni adds how we need all of the physical components of our bodies to help one another. For example, we need our toes for balance and our eyes to show us where to walk. Third, she deftly carries this truth to the body of Christ. Using I Corintthians 12: 20-23, she reminds us that we are all part of the body of Christ and we need one another to be the church of God. She cleverly concludes that, “There are those who make coffee and pastors who preach. There are members like me, who are able to teach.” We need, we depend, on one another.
The book concludes with a two-page section discussing “Four Ways to Help Your Child Understand Uniqueness and Disability as Part of God’s Plan.” For example, it lists thoughtful questions such as: “What does Scripture say about God creating disability?” and “How did Jesus approach disability? or, “How can I be a friend to someone with a disability?”
This is a valuable resource in that it weds Scripture with the gifts and beauty of those who are different from us. All of us benefit from that perspective. It binds us together rather than separating us. Published by New Growth Press 2017. https://www.pcabookstore.com/isearch3?searchterm=God+Made+Me+Unique