A Sample TCS Lesson
This post is a YouTube video of me teaching the story we know as the Sacrifice of Isaac. I prefer to call it, God Asks Abraham to Give the Gift of Issac Back.
This lesson in included in my curriculum called The Children’s Sanctuary, an introduction of which is included in my blog posts. All the lessons are taught and writtet in the reflective engagement mode, in which children and the teacher receive the story in a quiet circle with time for wondering and reflection afterwards.

The Children’s Sanctuary (TCS) Curriculum
The Children’s Sanctuary (TCS) curriculum was created to foster Christian faith in preschool to early elementary children using the reflective engagement model. Simply put, a reflective engagement mode of teaching presents Bible stories in a quiet space with children who are prepared in advance to listen and experience God’s Word. Time is given for children to retell these stories to themselves as well as create other responses such as drawing, praying or reading.